I haven't posted for a while. I don't really have too much to talk about since I haven't really done much since coming home, which has been very enjoyable. I helped put up Christmas decorations at my grandparents, which felt like willingly contributing to their accidental death as I helped them trail dodgy electric wires across their house, but my grandparents would have had none of my complaining (you should have seen the amount of parrafin my grandfather put on the bonfire on Guy Fawkes' Night...). Well, to be honest, their electrics are no worse than that of the average French house.
On an aside, today I have found myself awed by the simplicity and beauty of guilloche patterns. You've all seen them - they're the intricate patterns found on banknotes, and you've all probably made them (remember playing with spirographs?). It's also probably the mathematician in me who enjoys the intricate patterns made. You can play with making your own ones here.

An example of a pwitty guilloche pattern.
Hope you're all well, and I hope you have a lovely Christmas!
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